annegeluna's Diaryland Diary



This morning I was sitting on the bus traveling over the Bay Farm Island drawbridge towards the ferry and I noticed the following creatures in the small bay between the islands: a shiny sea lion swimming towards the bay and two elegant snowy egrets posing against the backdrop of the dark cloud-covered city of San Francisco.

Then, while sitting on the outside deck of the Harbor Bay Ferry, aka the Bay Breeze, I saw a majestic, graceful pelican diving for fish. I love pelicans. One day Bryan and I sat on a beach in Bolinas for what felt like hours watching mother pelicans teach their babies how to fish. I don't think we said two words to each other we were so captivated.

I absolutely love my commute!

The other day Becky and I were talking about omelets and how hard they are to fold. This has been an ongoing challenge for both of us and last night I came up with the solution: use two spatulas! I made the most beautiful omelet. And using two spatulas is much more economical than buying the omelet spatula that I saw at a fancy pants house wares store for $50.00. The sad thing is, I wanted so badly to make a beautiful omelet that I actually considered buying that spatula for about � of a second. So, between the delicious bacon that Bryan made using our new bacon press and my beautiful omelet with feta cheese, purple onions and parsley, we had a delicious breakfast dinner!

And it's Friday!! Listening to Manu Chao's Clandestino on the ferry, I was almost dancing in the aisles. Always brings me back to Cozumel, Mexico.


10:18 a.m. - 2004-05-07


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